Günter Grass
Günter Grass
pada tahun 2004.
Günter Wilhelm Grass (lahir pada 16 Oktober
1927 di Kota Bebas
Danzig) adalah seorang penulis asal Jerman. Ia adalah pemenang Penghargaan Nobel dalam Sastra
pada tahun 1999.
Grass sering dianggap sebagai bagian dari gerakan seni
bernama Vergangenheitsbewältigung. Novelnya yang paling terkenal adalah
novel pertamanya, Die Blechtrommel (The
Tin Drum dalam bahasa Inggris) yang diterbitkan tahun 1959. Bersama dengan Katz
und Maus (1961) dan Hundejahre (1963), ketiganya membentuk apa yang
disebut Trilogi Danzig dan berkisah tentang bangkitnya Nazisme dan pengalaman
masa perang di Danzig.
Karya-karyanya sering mempunyai dimensi politik yang
kuat, dan Grass sendiri adalah pendukung aktif Partai Demokratik Sosial
dan lama berkecimpung dalam politik sayap kiri.
Ia dipandang oleh banyak pihak sebagai suara moral yang penting yang menentang xenofobia
dan perang.[1]
Pada tahun 2006,
Grass mengakui bahwa pada usia 17 tahun ia sendiri pernah bergabung dengan
pasukan Jerman Nazi Waffen-SS pada sekitar akhir Perang Dunia
Günter Grass lelah dengan kemunafikan Barat, sanksi Iran karena kegiatan nuklirnya, sementara memasok Israel dengan kapal selam nuklir Dolphin berisi 500 bom nuklirnya. Dalam puisi barunya, What Must be Said, ia menyatakan:
Why I am silent, silent for too
much time,
how much is clear and we made it
in war games, where, as survivors,
we are just the footnotes
That is the claimed right to the formal
preventive aggression
which could erase the Iranian people
dominated by a bouncer and moved to an
organized jubilation,
because in the area of his competence there
the construction of the atomic bomb
And then why do I avoid myself
to call the other country with its name,
where since years – even if secretly
covered -
there is an increasing nuclear power,
without control, because unreachable
by every inspection?
I feel the everybody silence on this state
of affairs,
which my silence is slave to,
as an oppressive lie and an inhibition that
presents punishment
we don’t pay attention to;
the verdict “anti-Semitism” is
Now, since my country,
from time to time touched by unique and
exclusive crimes,
obliged to justify itself,
again for pure business aims – even if
with fast tongue we call it “reparation” -
should deliver another submarine to Israel,
with the specialty of addressing
annihilating warheads where the
existence of one atomic bomb is not proved
but it wants evidence as a scarecrow,
I say what must be said
Why did I stay silent until now?
Because the thought about my origin,
burdened by an unclearing stain,
had avoiding to wait this fact
like a truth declared by the State of
that I want to be connected to
Why did I say it only now,
old and with the last ink:
the nuclear power of Israel
threat the world peace?
Because it must be said
what tomorrow will be too late;
Because – as Germans and with
enough faults on the back -
we might also become deliverers of a predictable
crime, and no excuse would erase our
And I admit: I won’t be silent
because I had enough of the Western
Because I wish that many will want
to get rid of the silence,
exhorting the cause of a recognizable
risk to the abdication, asking that a free
and permanent control
of the Israel atomic power
and the Iran nuclear bases
will be made by both the governments
with an international supervision
Only in this way, Israelis,
Palestinians, and everybody,
all people living hostile face to face in
country occupied by the craziness,
will have a way out,
so us toosumber:
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