the Caliphate Missed

sumber gambar:
91 tahun Islam, kekuatan kita hancur...
Saat ini yang ada hanya kekuatan individu yang bercerai tak beraturan,
Bahkan saling meniadakan...

>> Khilafah Islam Diruntuhkan (I)
>> How the Khilafah Destroyed (II)

2 Responses to "the Caliphate Missed"

  1. I have my blog .
    associated with my AdSense blog .
    I add my blog advertising.
    Advertising does not appear .
    " This content is not yet available over a secure connection " appears .
    you have resolved this work .
    on , tell me ?

  2. I have my blog .
    associated with my AdSense blog .
    I add my blog advertising.
    Advertising does not appear .
    " This content is not yet available over a secure connection " appears .
    you have resolved this work .
    on , tell me ?


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